About Us


EYECAN is Jersey’s only charity focused solely on supporting Islanders with sight impairment.

We work closely with all age groups, from infants through to the elderly, enabling people with a sight impairment and their families to benefit from social events, activities and tailored support.

It is this partnership approach that ensures those affected by sight impairment are empowered to live more independently with their sight loss.

Business Plan 2024 – 2026

We are delighted to share with you our three-year business plan for 2024-2026. The EYECAN team developed this plan in recognition of the need to continually review the services that we offer, ensuring that they remain accessible, and aligned to anyone who might need our assistance. Please enjoy reading our commitment to you and we look forward to reporting regularly on our progress.

“Over the last few years we have substantially increased the number of professional staff that support the community. Our aim is to reach out to as many people with visual impairment as possible to help them live an independent life at home and at work.”

- Ed Daubeney, President


You may well have known us by the name of Jersey Blind Society, we were established in 1886 and rebranded in 2015 to EYECAN.

This change to EYECAN reinforces our mission that we are here to support people at all stages of sight loss. Anyone with a registered sight impairment can access our full range of support.