World Mental Health Day

Image of a woman comforting another young woman by holding both her hands as they are seated on a couch. The following words are written in white: 10th October, World Mental Health Day

Mental health is a universal human right. “Mental health must be squarely placed in a human rights framework to re-cast the aspiration for sound mental health as a fundamental human right. Ensuring access to mental health services must be an obligation and responsibility of state and global organisations which can no longer be ignored.” Nasser […]

Autumn Members’ Newsletter

Image shows EYECAN team and display stall in NatWest banking hall market stall

Hello to all friends of EYECAN. There’s lots to tell you about in this edition of our Newsletter.   New CEO Firstly, let me introduce myself; my name is Mark Coxshall and I’ve been EYECAN’s Chief Executive Officer since late July.   I’m delighted and privileged to be leading the EYECAN team. My initial impression […]