Sensory Loss Booklet

A booklet providing carers and care providers with guidance about sensory loss was launched at the end of February.
The booklet is the joint initiative of EYECAN and the Jersey Deaf Society but reflects collaboration with a wide range of local charities and Government services.
Care providers throughout the island have been sent booklets, and flyers directing them to the charities’ websites from where the booklet can be downloaded.
Flyers are also available at GP surgeries, opticians, audiologists, and pharmacies for members of the public. Anyone unable to access the booklet on-line will be able to obtain a copy from Jersey Library or Citizens Advice Bureau.
The booklet aims to reduce the risk of isolation for anyone with sensory loss, by ensuring that staff and carers recognise signs that sensory loss might be present and act swiftly to support the individual concerned. Health conditions with links to sensory loss are listed to prompt investigation whenever individuals with those conditions show signs of struggling to engage with others.
Social isolation caused by communication difficulties can lead to depression and lack of mental stimulus. As a lack of mental stimulus can escalate the onset and course of dementia it is important that action is taken promptly to provide sight and / or hearing loss support.
Practitioners are also urged to understand communication barriers and to support communication needs to ensure that Islanders with sensory loss obtain appropriate and timely treatment for other health conditions.
Signposting information and communication tips are outlined in the booklet to enable anyone involved in an individual’s care to give the best possible support.
EYECAN and Jersey Deaf Society thank everyone involved in the production of this important resource.
Image of the front cover of the Sensory loss booklet. The cover shows the outline of an eye and an ear in black sitting on a purple background. Words relating to the booklet appear above and below this image
Image of the front cover of the Sensory loss booklet. The cover shows the outline of an eye and an ear in black sitting on a purple background. Words relating to the booklet appear above and below this image