Customer Service Awards

EYECAN are thrilled to have won the award for “Best Service for the Charitable Sector” at the Jersey Customer Service Awards.

We’re proud to be recognized for our commitment to providing exceptional service and support to Islanders with sight loss. Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way, we couldn’t have done it without you.  Below are two nominations that were received:

First Nomination:

“Strangely, I first heard about EYECAN (then the Jersey Blind Society), from someone I met on holiday. On my return, as various eye conditions were making my life tricky, I got in touch with the charity, and I’m so glad I did. 

I’m an independent lady, with a good sense of humour, but the frustrations of sight loss were really getting me down. However, the response I had from EYECAN was immediately positive and supportive. 

Staff assessed my needs and found ways to support my independence.  They helped me to adjust to sight loss and showed me that I can still enjoy life. In fact, with their help and referrals to other charities, I’ve gone on to have adventures – a flight around the Island with Helping Wings, a trip on Wet Wheels and a day aboard a Jubilee Sailing Trust tall ship.

On an everyday level, EYECAN has provided me with aids to support activities, such as cooking and given me powerful lamps, and magnifiers to help me read my mail. I am also linked up to a directory enquiries service which connects me to friends, family, and important contacts. I like being at home, but I do love chatting with friends, so this service is invaluable.

EYECAN staff visit and call regularly, which I really appreciate, and I know they’re at the end of the phone if I ever have a problem. Since first contacting EYECAN in 2013 my confidence has grown. I know that I’ll manage despite my sight loss.

I can’t recommend EYECAN highly enough and would like to nominate them for a Customer Services award.”

Second Nomination:

“When my eye consultant advised that nothing more could be done to treat my macular degeneration, he suggested I contact EYECAN for support.

I was unsure about doing this at first, but once I’d made up my mind to it, I wished I’d done so sooner.

EYECAN’s staff have been so helpful. They can’t do enough for you. I now have brightly coloured tactile dots on my cooker which help me turn the dials to the right positions, and in addition to a magnifier, I also have a big button mobile phone and an easy-to-use remote control, which I find really helpful.

EYECAN’s Social Club is now the highlight of my week. The volunteer helpers and drivers are great fun and really lovely, and I thoroughly enjoy the company of other members. Everyone on my table has exchanged phone numbers and we call each other every week. We really care about each other and if someone is unwell, we make sure we keep in touch so that they know we’re thinking of them.

I can’t fault anything about EYECAN and would strongly recommend the charity for a Customer Services award.”


Image shows the EYECAN team and volunteers smiling at the camera. Agnetta is holding their Customer Service Award.

You can also watch the interview with Chris Frost talking about EYECAN’s reaction to being nominated for such an award.





Image shows the EYECAN team and volunteers smiling at the camera. Agnetta is holding their Customer Service Award.