Annual General Meeting Wednesday 20th November 2024


Jersey Blind Society t/a EYECAN  

Members are notified that the 138th Annual General Meeting of the  

Jersey Blind Society (“the Society”) will be held at: 

Westlea Centre, Rue du Huquet, St Martin JE3 6HU 

On: Wednesday 20th November 2024 commencing at 2pm  


Apologies for absence  

  1. To approve the minutes of the 137th AGM held on the 22nd November 2023.
  2. To receive the President’s Report.
  3. To consider and, if thought fit, approve the Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Society for the year ended 31st December 2023.
  4. To elect officers and members of the Management Committee of the Society in accordance with nominations received.
  5. To re-appoint the Auditors of the Society.
  6. To consider any other business of which notice has been given.

Tim Herbert 

Honorary Secretary 

21st October 2024                                                            

Please note copies of the accounts may be obtained from  

Linda Buesnel 

c/o Westlea Centre, Rue du Huquet, St Martin JE3 6HU 

Tel 864689 or by email