After joining the team in 2013, Chris has transformed the lives of Islanders with sight impairment by enabling independence through training in mobility, communications and activities of daily living.
After joining the team in 2013, Chris has transformed the lives of Islanders with sight impairment by enabling independence through training in mobility, communications and activities of daily living.
Chris will provide information on what help is available, put together individual programmes of rehabilitation, signpost to other members of the team or other organisations.
He is based at Westlea but spends most of his time visiting people out in the community. Chris has examples of many of the adaptive aids that can assist with everyday tasks and also provides training on how to use them.
Chris also provides visual awareness and sighted guiding training for organisations who may require it.
EYECAN is Jersey’s only charity focused solely on supporting Islanders with sight impairment. We work closely with all age groups, from infants through to the elderly, enabling people with a sight impairment and their families to benefit from social events, activities and tailored support.
The Society is registered with the Jersey Charity Commission Registration Number 244; the Association of Jersey Charities registration number 109 and is registered with the Jersey Financial Services Commission as a non-profit organisation number 362