EYECAN Ceramic Christmas Tree decorations
EYECAN member and talented ceramics artist, Zena Gavey, recently taught other members how to make ceramic Christmas Tree decorations. Members worked on their individual pieces and then Zena very kindly fired them in her kiln. Everyone was delighted with their finished products!
EYECAN Christmas Raffle
EYECAN is holding their Christmas Raffle on 24th December at Westlea Centre. Tickets are now available for £2.50 each. First prize is £1,000. If you want to be in with a chance to win any of the three cash prizes please give us a call on 864689 or email info@eyecan.je. Be quick, they sell fast!! […]
Fundraising for EYECAN
EYECAN is very grateful to Malcolm Whittel for raising £680.82 for the Charity by way of a sponsored musical feat. Starting first thing in the morning and finishing late in the evening Malcolm played every hymn in the Hymnal, with only a 15-minute break for lunch. Malcolm, who has personal understanding of sight loss, described […]
Skipton Big Ideas Exhibition
EYECAN has been pleased to be involved in advising the Skipton Big Ideas Exhibition on ways to make the exhibition more accessible for visitors with sight loss. The information boards have been produced in contrasting colours, there are audio stories and audio description for the story boxes in the annex, and the stewards for the […]
Jean Supporting EYECAN
Jean, one of our Volunteers, kindly came to Westlea Centre recently to clean all our banners. Thank you Jean! There are always little jobs that need doing and we are so thankful for all the time our volunteers give to our charity.
Collection Pots
Alongside other great charities and organisations, our collection boxes can be found in the following Channel Islands Co-operative stores until the 31st of October 2021: Grouville, Pontac, Maufant, Georgetown, Sion and New Era Pharmacy. EYECAN would not be able to offer its services to the Island’s residents with a sight impairment without the generous donations […]
Lord Blunkett visits Westlea Centre
On Friday 22nd October Lord Blunkett visited Westlea Centre where he met with Staff and members of the EYECAN committee. Lord Blunkett was shown around the centre and there was a discussion about provision in place for Islanders with a sight impairment and the differences between Jersey and mainland UK. Lord Blunkett spoke to the […]
EYECAN Newsletter – July 2021
EYECAN extends a big Hello to all friends. What a time we’ve all had since it was business as usual! We hope the recent crisis treated you kindly and that today finds you fit and well and looking forward to re-engaging with friends, activities and support. Some of you, understandably, may have lingering anxieties. Let […]
EYECAN Equipment
The team at EYECAN are skilled at making communications as accessible as possible. Advice and support can be given over the phone or in person at Westlea Centre. We can also arrange home visits.
Alzheimer’s Month
September is Alzheimer’s Month. Social isolation and a lack of stimulus, which can result from sight loss, can escalate the onset and course of dementia. There is a lot which can be done to support islanders with sight loss so it is important that the sight of anyone you care for, is checked as soon […]