Talking Scales Demonstration

There is lots of adapted equipment to support people with sight loss. One popular item is talking kitchen scales. These are so useful and allows independence in the home. Our members recently attended Bake Me Happy at Westlea Centre and put this equipment to the test weighting out ingredients to make yummy cheese scones. [Video […]

Visit to Chestnut Farm

Image shows two lady members of EYECAN engaged in conversation. One is wearing a white cardigan and the other lady is wearing a blue and white striped top with a pair of sunglasses on her head

Our members had a wonderful afternoon spent at Chestnut Farm. Thank you to the staff and animals for a memorable time!

Bake Me Happy Baking Group

Image shows delicious looking cupcakes covered in icing sugar

Bake Me Happy is the new baking group set up for some of our members. Once a month members pick recipes they would like to make. For their first cooking session our members made small cakes. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed eating their creations with a cup of tea! Including this in our […]

Wild Places – an exhibition of paintings by Graham Tovey

Art is intrinsic to Graham’s life, providing connection and expression to the many things which move him. Whilst living in France, Graham embarked on a 6-year photographic project to raise the profile of often overlooked women artists, producing black and white portraits of the artists and their paintings. “Female artists have often been unfairly neglected,” […]

International Friendship Day – 30th July

We all treasure friendship, recognising the value it brings to those it touches. But friendship doesn’t just relate to people we know well. It’s a quality which can infuse our relationships with those around us, brightening the day for all concerned. However, someone with sight loss might struggle to make or maintain friends. This could […]

EYECAN Summer Lunch

On 16th June EYECAN’s social club members, staff and volunteers enjoyed a beautiful three course lunch in the Rosiere Suite at St. Brelade’s Bay Hotel, Jersey The event, which compensated for all the Christmas meals missed since 2019, was such a success that it looks set to become a fixture. Excellent food and sunshine are […]

EYECAN Walk in My Shoes

This year Walk in My Shoes was held at St Martin’s Village Green a change to our usual venue. The event commemorates Glen Robertson, a former friend of the Charity, who sadly died due to complications of diabetes, the disease which caused his sight loss. Participants were provided with disposable spectacles simulating diabetic retinopathy. Under […]

Deafblind Awareness Week

Communication Isolation Sight or hearing loss can occur at any time but particularly as people get older. However, some people may experience a loss to both senses, which is termed, dual sensory loss. Individuals with dual sensory loss are greatly disadvantaged because they cannot compensate for hearing or sight loss with a sense that remains […]

Judi Dench health Update

Dame Judi Dench, who is 87, has age-related macular degeneration, which has caused her eyesight to worsen overtime. She has since found it impossible to do any work on set without assistance. However despite this, she is determined to remain “mobile”. Watch more about her journey –…/judi-dench-health-i…/ar-AAXQt8p…

Diabetes Awareness Week

image of a elderly persons hand with a child's hand holding a sugar level device

Severe sight loss or blindness can be caused by diabetes. Whilst there are specific diabetes related sight conditions, diabetes also increases the likelihood of cataracts or glaucoma. EYECAN supports Islanders with sight loss, no matter how that sight loss is caused. Diabetes Jersey supports people with diabetes and raises public awareness of the need for […]